About "Seattle's Summer Sampler" Dance Week (June 11-14)
Between "Waltz Fest NW" & our "Harrison Hot Spring" Dance Weekends, join us in Seattle Mon-Thur, June 11-14, 2018 as we explore the rich tapestry of dance venues available to us in the city.
Meet fellow dancers dancing your favorite dance styles, or spread your wings and try out a style or two that you haven't explored previously! Our interim Seattle Sampler Week is the perfect opportunity for this.
During the day, you can meet up with new friends & fellow dancers to explore the wonderful local neighborhoods, sites, and charms that Seattle has to offer (CLICK HERE for a list of suggestions of things to do). Each night we will post a different dinner location for folks to gather and meet up, and provide a calendar of options for places to go and dance that evening (in a variety of styles). All of the dance venues will be chosen for their fine reputations and for their primary emphasis on fun "social-partner" dancing (vs. a focus on performance or competition). Pick and choose where you want to go and what you want to try out!
On Friday we'll all migrate to Harrison Hot Springs (B.C) to enjoy a full day at the spa before the dinner and dancing begins that evening! We will be happy to help arrange car-pools for any folks who need a ride
CLICK HERE for Details about Dance Week